INPS (Indiana Native Plant Society) page...
which has a link to the
Purdue list... (includes pdf files by groups and latin names)

from INPS - Invasive Plants in Indiana - Brochure with color photos - including “What we can do”

DNR invasive plant page

Helpful links to... Images, Identification, Biology, Control and Management Resources, Distribution Maps

From Karen:
Here is the list of the 44 species that are slated for regulation just recently (Feb 2019)

 NOTE, this is not law yet and went through the DNR rule process, not the legislature.  It is still awaiting review by the attorney general and needs to be signed by the governor, but as Master Gardeners, we support the proposed list. More details on that process here:

Also, we should not allow any of the invasive plants that have been formally assessed as invasive in Indiana, listed at Indiana Invasive Species Council website the Purdue site listed above.  They are constantly reviewing species as more information is available, so more species will likely be added soon.